How Students Can Improve Their Proofreading Skills

How to Improve Proofreading Skills
Proofreading means to check your work again and again to make sure there are no spelling and grammatical errors. When you re-read your work you find many irrelevant information and out of context sentences. Thus, students are highly recommended to always proofread their work before turning it in. Here are some top tips that students can use to improve their proofreading skills.

Reading out Loud: When a document is completed, it is always advisable to be read out loud. Students read their work out loud because it helps them make more sense of their work. They can tie up any loose ends and correct grammatical or spelling errors with help of dissertation editing services in UK.

Reading to a Friend: Some students prefer others to read their writing to them. This gives them a break from analyzing their text and they get a chance to get constructive feedback.

Check for One Kind of Mistake at a Time: Students are advised not to check for all types of mistakes in one sitting. If they are scanning through a document, it is advised that they check for spelling mistakes first and then go for grammar or vice versa. If they try to do everything at once, chances are that they may overlook some of the errors.

Avoid too Much Reliance on Auto Spellcheck and Grammar Check: Technology has indeed made things easier but we should also use on our own brains from time to time. Although auto spell check is convenient but it is not completely reliable. Sometimes it cannot catch simple misspelled words like, ‘too’ instead of ‘to’ and other such homonyms. So even after students have auto-spell checked their work of effective thesis topic, it is advised that they proofread it for any other minor mistakes that have not been picked up by the computer.

Checking for Common Contractions and Apostrophe Mistakes: When it comes to using contractions, students often get confused. They tend to make mistakes like “their” and “they’re” or “your” and “you’re”, etc. Checking for correct usage of contractions and apostrophes are also very important for your writing to make sense.

Take Great Care of Punctuations: It is good to check your work for spelling mistakes but punctuations are equally important. Many students make common punctuation mistakes that are linked to proper capitalization, commas and periods, etc. Students should use capital letters where ever applicable and avoid over/under use of commas and periods.

Backward Reading of Your Text: Although it may sound a bit unorthodox but it is believed that backward reading of the text can help students to easily spot spelling mistakes after getting assignment expert’s help. The reason could be that since this is an unusual way of reading they are concentrating more on each word for their university class assignments and chances are that they will not overlook anything.

Getting Rid of Distractions: When students are sitting down to proofread their work, they should pay full attention to it and get rid of all possible distractions like cell phones, emails, radio and television. Proofreading their document with rapt attention and concentration helps immensely. Taking care of all the above mentioned points will help students deliver fool proof work every time.

Albert Barkley

Hello, my name is Albert Barkley. I am working as education consultant with a UK based firm after completion of my PhD. I like to write on different social, tech and education trends.

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